“I think I am going to get somewhere in life. I am not a bad student and I put effort into my studies. I think I could get one of the jobs I want.”
- First names: Armaan and Aoife
- Age: 10
What would you like to be when you’re older and why?
Armaan: A surgeon or a lawyer. A surgeon because I like to find out how the body works or a lawyer because I care about justice
Aoife: An artist or a scientist. An artist because I like doing art and everything inspires me and a scientist because I like finding out about new things.
What Primary Future events have you attended, or activities have you taken part in?
Careers fair and a visit from a bank employee.
What has been the best part of those events and speaking with the Primary Futures volunteers?
Armaan: Learning about different people’s daily lives and what they do.
Aoife: I liked learning about the different jobs and why they chose that job.
What difference have the activities made to your ideas about ambitions for your future?
Armaan: It has made me aware that people have put in a lot of effort to get where they are now, from GCSEs/A levels and beyond…
Aoife: Now I know that I can choose what job or career I want to do providing I work hard for it.
Did anything about the volunteers and their jobs surprise you or challenge your expectations?
Armaan: Some people didn’t have a degree but had a decent job which made me realise that you don’t need to have a degree to have a job. There was a lady that looked after bees as a hobby and got paid – she collected the honey and sold it. She protected the bees from wasps. Basically made a business out of a hobby.
What difference have the Primary Futures volunteers made to your ideas and choices about your future?
Armaan: It has made me realise that I don’t necessarily need a degree but if you do get a degree it may lead to a better job and life. There was a lady who designed weapons for the military and the army – planes/ships.
Aoife: It’s shown me that you won’t always achieve the ambition you have as a child but if you work hard you may get it. The environmental scientist was given challenges which she had to solve – e.g. design a border to prevent floods. I would like challenges in my job.
Can you tell us about how Primary Futures volunteers, events and activities have changed your attitude towards school work?
Aoife: If you work hard in your school and especially if it is a good school, you will get the jobs you want and the ones that are well paid and a higher standard.
Is there anything else you have learnt?
Armaan: I have learnt that sometimes even if you go to an ‘alright’ school if you have the will and determination to achieve something and work extremely hard you will achieve it!
Aoife: Not all things will go to plan and you will have to solve the challenges that come your way.
Who or what inspires you in life?
Armaan: My dad because he has a good, bright, intelligent mind, organises everything. When he was at school, his brother was involved in fights, but he ignores them and put in the effort to be where he is now.
Aoife: My dad always said if I work hard, I will get a good job and he was the one who taught me a lot of maths and English.
Do you feel inspired about your own future and if so, what does this look like?
Armaan: I think I am going to get somewhere in life. I am not a bad student and I put effort into my studies. I think I could get one of the jobs I want.
Aoife: I agree with Armaan.
Describe your experience of the Primary Futures activity in five words
Quite inspiring, ordinary jobs, challenges, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, interesting, thoughtful.
Do you have any other comments you’d like to add?
Armaan: Your background doesn’t matter, if you put effort into the work you produce you will succeed.
Aoife: I would like to learn about a greater range of jobs and we would like to have more events for our whole school!
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