4 February 2021

Virtual sessions in 2021: How schools are adapting to home-learning

4 February 2021

In the first month of 2021, and despite the huge challenges faced by schools and teachers, we’ve seen really exciting activities taking place across the country. School staff, young people, and even parents have told us how valuable these activities are – have a read of what’s been going on in the Inspiring the Future community so far this year and find out how we […]

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11 December 2020

80% of volunteers in education gain valuable skills, 79% feel more motivated at work

11 December 2020

We have published a report entitled ‘The Value of Volunteering – volunteering in education and productivity in work’. The report was launched at a webinar on the 8th January. Read the full report. Education Volunteering – ‘one of the best investments employers can make’ The new research, in collaboration with CIPD, reveals the positive value […]

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16 November 2020

Virtual activities: Inspiration, resources and a teacher’s experience…

16 November 2020

“I was really nervous, I thought the technology might not work and the children might sit there and not have any questions… but just do it. It’s been brilliant.” – Tracey Page, Headteacher at Stephenson Way Academy  Over the past few weeks, schools have created a range of virtual activities with Inspiring the Future volunteers providing their students with engaging […]

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15 October 2020

One year on – in times of uncertainty and change…

15 October 2020

“In times of uncertainty and change, the need to inspire our next generation is more important than ever.”  These are the opening words of our event at Drapers’ Hall, exactly a year ago, when we were joined by over 400 guests to launch the “I am #InspiringTheFuture” Campaign to coincide with the charity’s 10th anniversary.  Of course, so much has changed since then but these words are even more relevant today.   […]

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6 October 2020

Get inspired: plan your virtual activity this autumn

6 October 2020

With thousands of inspiring volunteers keen to share their stories virtually and lots of new resources to help Inspiring the Future schools plan interactive online sessions, it’s not surprising that there are so many exciting activities coming up! Get inspired by your fellow teachers and find out about opportunities to help motivate your students this autumn term and provide them with virtual experiences of the world […]

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5 October 2020

Inspiring Women – Signing up to the Women in Aviation & Aerospace Charter

5 October 2020

As part of our ongoing work to tackle gender stereotypes we are very pleased to share that Education and Employers is a Supporting Organisation signatory on the Women in Aviation and Aerospace Charter.   In our report Drawing the Future, 13,000 7-11-year olds in the UK were asked to draw what they wanted to be when they were older. 5.2% drew a job related to the […]

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25 September 2020

International Labour Organization report on aspirations reinforces our Drawing the Future findings

25 September 2020

In its latest working paper  “Youth Aspirations and the Future of Work – A Review of the Literature and Evidence” published on the 14 September 2020, the International Labour Organization (ILO) used the Education and Employers study Drawing the Future, as part of its evidence demonstrating the ongoing lack of alignment between young peoples’ aspirations […]

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18 September 2020

Creating virtual interactive encounters for children with the world of work

18 September 2020

We know that for children meeting a diverse range of volunteers from the world of work makes a real difference to their life chances. The research we have carried out over the past 10 years has proven that these activities help inspire and motivate children, which in turn leads to improved attainment. Our evidence also shows […]

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18 September 2020

Creating virtual interactive encounters for young people with the world of work

18 September 2020

We know that for young people meeting a diverse range of volunteers from the world of work makes a real difference to their life chances. The research we have carried out over the past 10 years has proven that these activities help inspire and motivate young people, which in turn leads to improved attainment. Our evidence […]

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