Profit and Loss Analyst

Charlotte signed up to use her early career insights from working at Bank of America to help young people in thinking about their first steps into the world of work.
We spoke to Charlotte about why she decided to get involved and how volunteering has helped her develop soft skills useful within her own career.
Why did you get involved?
My brothers are a similar age to those who may benefit from Inspiring the Future so I can strongly resonate with that stage in life and the decisions that have to be made in the not-so-distant future.
I hope that by sharing my story and how I made my choices, I can encourage young people to consider their own next steps and make informed decisions for the future.
What have you gained from volunteering?
I think trying something new always puts you a little out of your comfort zone and is always a beneficial experience. Talking to crowds or large audiences has never been my favourite activity but it is a skill I try to work on and talking to classrooms definitely fits the bill.
Why would you encourage others to volunteer?
Not only will you be working on a range of your own soft skills but the impact you may potentially have on someone else’s experience could be huge.
Even if one person finds one small part of what you say useful or beneficial then you’ve made a difference and it only costs a small amount of time.
A huge thank you to Charlotte for sharing her experience of being an Inspiring the Future volunteer!