…platform easily enables, this however the team will be there to support you if needed on 020 7566 4880 or enquiries@inspiringthefuture.org. How do I communicate with the volunteers? Initial communication between…

Inspiring Aviation Competition Gallery

…Friday 29 November 2024! Find the criteria and more information here: Key stage 1 & 2 competition Key stage 3 & 4 competition All competition entries are displayed here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/edu_employers/albums/72177720317680562…

Step up to careers

…provision, as more companies embark on combined study and employment schemes. Inspiring the Future provides an amazing range of individuals across many private and public sector organisations. It has also…

Our code of conduct

…Treat everyone with dignity and respect in accordance with our Equality and Diversity Policy. Respect other people’s privacy and boundaries. To be respectful and honour your commitment if you’ve committed…

UK Teachers lead the way

…and delegates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EQq-4KccpgThe pupils then returned to their classrooms and the 15 volunteers from across the globe including two members of WEF executive and Andria Zafirakou, the first UK winner…